Cellist and Soundscaper
Tiktúra at different platforms:
"Tiktúra" is the first solo album I publish.
An EP of 6 songs composed during the last years
It was recorded and mixed at my home studio Studio Kurrr and mastered and edited by izOReL and Enki Rotureau at La Posada Records.
Artwork photo and design: Michelle McFarlane
Fragment teaser by Michelle McFarlane and Eve Mezei
Also available in CD

Design by Sebastián Puiggrós with photographs by Michelle MacFarlane
Some reviews published about Tiktúra:
"...It’s an EP that showcases Rùnars’ skill at building compelling sonic pictures within a specific set of tools and comes highly recommended."
Deeper tones conceal an underlying warmth and organic texture Tiktùra is a six song EP by Björt Rùnars, an Icelandic musician currently based in Spain. Her music is based around the sounds created from her cello then warped and wefted into murmurs, textured tones and soundscapes. While cooler, deeper tones conceal an underlying warmth and organic texture, there’s an odd warmth to the icy passages. “Rekaldi” is the sound of a somber morning, dawn slowly breaking as the arrangement swells into a softly percolating beat. “Arabreida” has dreamy pizzicato notes ping-ponging from left to right as a deep swooning drone coalesces into a melancholic haze. “Mistur” builds a filtered synth into a rhythm as voices carry the melody into a place at once somber yet redemptive. “Tephra” is the battle drone heard before battle between two angry, jumpy adversaries. “Syndring” paints a picture of overcast light shining through cold windows in a house full of shadows and spirits. “Eydirek” closes the EP with an uneasy tension built on a plucked rhythm, unadorned cello and synthesized tones. It’s an EP that showcases Rùnars’ skill at building compelling sonic pictures within a specific set of tools and comes highly recommended.
"...This is a dense and haunting music that is at the same time filled with piercing beauty. The sound is also fat and enveloping and we are drawn in"...
Í mistrinu fagra. -Tónlistina vinnur hún með sellóinu, bæði náttúrulega hljómnum en líka hljómum sem hafa verið unnir með áhrifshljóðum og hinum ýmsu vinnslubrellum. Stutt er við með rödd, hljómborðum, stöku töktum og vettvangshljóðritunum. „Rekaldi“ opnar plötuna, myrkt og dulúðugt. Bæði strengjaplokk og strengjastrokur rúlla inn í upphafinu og stemningin nær manni. Það er falleg andakt yfir. „Arabreida“ viðheldur þessu, það er gotneskur „ambient“-bragur á þessari smíð og seiðandi rödd Bjartar kemur sem úr fjarska. „Mistur“ er rafrænna, leitt af hljómborði og rödd Bjartar. Enn næst að knýja fram sannfærandi andrúm, við svífum um ókennilega handanheima. Lögin sem á eftir koma viðhalda þessu, „Tephra“ einkennist meðal annars af flottum, nánast „industrial“ áslætti og framvindan er ógurleg. „Syndring“ og „Eydirek“ höggva í sama knérunn og platan er heildstæð. Þetta er „þung“ og áleitin tónlist sem er um leið uppfull af nístandi fegurð. Hljómurinn er auk þess feitur og umlykjandi og við erum tosuð inn. Virkilega vel heppnað verð ég að segja, sérstaklega þegar litið er til þess að þetta er frumburður Bjartar í þessum efnum. Skýr einkennistónn er þegar kominn og framreiðslan er gifturík í meira lagi.
Presentation of "Tiktúra" in Barcelona
sept 2023 at Convent Sant Agustí:
Visual arts performed live: Alba G. Corral
Sculpture art and action: Joaquín Jara
Corporal performance: Quelot Caro
Accordion, voice and percussion: Edurne Arizu
Synthesizers: Pau Robert
Cello, keyboards, vocals, pre-recorded rhythms and other material: Björt Rùnars
Photos from the presentation
-More News-
In spring 2023 Cie. Carabosse premiered their new show "D´Arbre en Arbre". I´ve had the great plesure to participate in composing and performing my music in this new creation.
Here below: a short Teaser of this new project.
Filming: Vincent Muteau Music: Björt Rùnars
The Fire Installations of Cie. Carabosse
A teaser by Vincent Muteau with my music: